
Fysioplein is the specialist in the region of The Hague, Delft and Rotterdam in the field of rehabilitation for neck complaints such as whiplash complaints
Do you want to know more about whiplash complaints?

Would you like to know more about rehabilitation for whiplash complaints? Read more on this page or make an appointment with one of our fysiotherapists.

Would you like to know more about the treatment of whiplash complaints?

Do you want to know more about the treatment of whiplash complaints? Read more on this page or make an appointment with one of our fysiotherapists.

I would like to make an appointment

Do you have whiplash? Make here an appointment to determine what is going on.

Treatment of whiplash complaints

The treatment of whiplash complaints strongly depends on the duration of the complaints and factors that may hinder recovery. If the complaints after a whiplash are present for more than 3 months, this requires a different treatment plan. Or if you are unsure or anxious about how to strain the neck, it can negatively affect recovery. Other factors can also play a role in the failure or slower recovery from whiplash.


In the acute (early) phase, the focus is on reducing pain and improving mobility. In this phase you will receive advice about what exactly whiplash does to the neck and how you can best deal with the pain. We promote mobility by working together with the fysiotherapist to perform specific mobilizations (movement techniques) and exercises that you get to take home. When the pain has subsided, we gradually switch to exercises aimed at regaining the strength and stability of the neck. If you have the neck pain under control again, you can also slowly start sports activities again, provided they do not aggravate the pain.


Chronic Neck Pain After Whiplash
When there is long-term pain complaints, there may be a disturbed pain system and / or pain behavior. Just as the digestive system can be disturbed - think of stomachache or vomiting - the pain system can also be disturbed. In this case, this means that the nerves can become hypersensitive and stimuli that usually do not or hardly hurt will now start to hurt. Expectations, experiences and the interpretation of physical stimuli also influence how you experience the pain. Increased irritability can be very annoying and also lead to being irritated more quickly or becoming hypersensitive to light and/or sound. Fysioplein can help you to 'retrain' the pain system by responding to the aforementioned factors during treatment and gradually increasing the load in active exercise therapy.

We are ready for you

If you have any questions about your Whiplash, please contact us.


If necessary, you will be treated by a manual therapist. In addition to manual therapy, time will also be spent on exercises (homework exercises) that should ensure that the load capacity of the neck is improved.


During the intake, your whiplash complaint will be mapped out on the basis of an interview and a physical examination.

Treatment plan

After the intake, a treatment plan is drawn up and discussed. It tells you what the best treatment is for you.


If you have whiplash complaints, you will be treated according to one of our care plans. This care plan has been specially developed for people with whiplash complaints and shows good results.

Measuring moments

Tests are taken at fixed times and questionnaires are completed to monitor your rehabilitation. The outcome is evaluated and the treatment plan adjusted if necessary.

Treatments during rehabilitation for whiplash complaints

If necessary, you will be treated with manual therapy, Mulligan concept or remedial therapy. Part of the treatment consists of information and homework exercises to regain control of your whiplash complaints and to optimize the load capacity of the neck again.

Neck complaints - wiplash - 01

Other neck complaints

Neck complaints - stiff neck - 01

Stiff neck

Want to know more about rehabilitation for stiff neck complaints? Read more on this page or make an appointment with one of our fysiotherapists.

Neck complaints - headache: dizziness - 01

Headache and/or dizziness complaints

Would you like to know more about rehabilitation for headache and/or dizziness? Read more on this page or make an appointment with one of our fysiotherapists.

Other complaints?

If your complaint is not listed on our site, please contact us. Based on a conversation and physical examination, assess what may be the matter. Then we can draw up a plan of action with you.

Make an appointment?

You can reach us by phone or email via the telephone number or registration form below. Clearly state the complaint. Then we make an appointment with a specialist fysiotherapist.