
We regularly supervise trainees who are in their final year of training Fysiosit therapy.
At the Sweelinck locationplein Celine and Annelot are currently doing an internship at our location in Delft
Mike is doing an internship.
Our interns can also be involved in your rehabilitation. Of course we will always ask if you agree with this.

Covid-19 (Coronavirus)

Covid-19 is the medical name for Corona, but it is the same disease. In the past two years, many people in the Netherlands have contracted COVID-19. One has had little trouble with it, the other has struggled with it for a long time. You may even have been admitted to hospital (intensive care or a nursing ward).

What is dry needling?

Specific treatments - dry needling - 2

Muscles are punctured by means of a special technique. In this way they become relaxed quickly and for a long time. Dry needling uses a 'dry' (dry) acupuncture needle – so no fluid is injected into the muscle.

Make an appointment?

You can reach us by phone or email via the telephone number or registration form below. Clearly state the complaint. Then we make an appointment with a specialist fysiotherapist.