Quadriceps complaints

Fysioplein is the specialist in the region of The Hague, Delft and Rotterdam in the field of rehabilitation for quadriceps complaints.
More about quadriceps complaints

Want to know more about rehabilitation for quadriceps complaints? Read more on this page or make an appointment with one of our fysiotherapists.

Treatment of quadriceps complaints

The treatment process for quadriceps complaints strongly depends on the severity of the complaint and its origin. Read more on this page.

I would like to make an appointment

Do you suffer from your quadriceps (front upper leg)?

Are your hamstrings bothering you?

Complaints to the front of your upper leg (quadriceps) are common. A well-known example of these complaints is the 'ice bone'. There is then a blow (for example the opponent's knee) on the upper leg in which the muscle is affected.


These complaints can also arise at the start of a sprint. This mainly occurs in people who have not warmed up or who have done too short a warm-up and who enter the sports field 'cold'.


In order to properly map this complaint, we have access to an echo system so that we can properly map the damage in the muscle.


Quadriceps complaints can also come from the back. That is why it is important to map out the back properly during the intake.


The sooner you start rehabilitation, the sooner you will recover. So make an appointment quickly to assess the complaint and to have a plan of action drawn up.

We are ready for you

If you have any questions about your Quadriceps complaints, please contact us.


Your rehabilitation is specifically aimed at the goals you set yourself. The first phase is about getting the pain under control and getting back to a normal walking pattern. All activities that you can perform pain-free are allowed and even ensure an accelerated recovery. Pain signals mean avoidance of activity.
When the pain is under control and you can walk pain-free, you can start improving the flexibility of the muscle and optimizing the strength. We perform a strength test in which the quadriceps and hamstrings are tested. If there is sufficient strength, sport-specific exercises can be started to eventually be able to exercise again without complaints. If the test still shows muscle weakness, the exercise program is adjusted


During the intake, your quadriceps problem will be mapped out on the basis of an interview and a physical examination.

Treatment plan

After the intake, a treatment plan is drawn up and discussed. It tells you what the best treatment is for you.


If you have quadriceps complaints, you will be treated according to our care plan. The care plan has been specially developed for quadriceps complaints and shows good results.

Measuring moments

Tests are taken at fixed times and questionnaires are completed to monitor your rehabilitation. The outcome is evaluated and the treatment plan adjusted if necessary.

Treatments for quadriceps complaints

After the intake, it may be decided to make an ultrasound of your hamstrings to assess whether there is damage to the muscle tissue or tendon tissue of the quadriceps. It can also be considered to apply taping. Exercise therapy is often the obvious treatment strategy. This is possible soon after the onset of the quadriceps complaint.
A strength test (isokinetic test) will be performed to determine where you stand in your rehabilitation. Subsequently, the rehabilitation is focused on any shortcomings. After that, we work towards resuming sports.

Upper leg complaints - Quadriceps - 01

Other upper leg complaints

Upper leg complaints - Hamstring - 01

Hamstring complaints

Want to know more about rehabilitation for hamstring complaints? Read more on this page or make an appointment with one of our fysiotherapists.

Other complaints?

If your complaint is not listed on our site, please contact us. Based on a conversation and physical examination, assess what may be the matter. Then we can draw up a plan of action with you.

Make an appointment?

You can reach us by phone or email via the telephone number or registration form below. Clearly state the complaint. Then we make an appointment with a specialist fysiotherapist.