Achilles tendon complaints

Fysioplein is the specialist in the region of The Hague, Delft and Rotterdam in the field of rehabilitation for Achilles tendon complaints.
More about Achilles tendon complaints

Do you want to know more about rehabilitation for Achilles tendon complaints? Read more on this page or make an appointment with one of our fysiotherapists.

Treatment of Achilles tendon complaints

The treatment process for Achilles tendon complaints strongly depends on the duration of the complaints: is there a tendon tear for which a period of plaster or bracing has been prescribed by the attending physician? Is or, for example, the Achilles tendon attached.

I would like to make an appointment

Do you have Achilles tendon complaints? Make an appointment here.

Do you have Achilles tendon complaints?

In case of Achilles tendon complaints, it is advisable to have the injury assessed quickly. It is important to know whether the complaint has arisen as a result of overloading or due to a tear in the Achilles tendon. When overloading the Achilles tendon, there is pain at one specific point in the Achilles tendon, often with a (visible) thickening of the tendon. Most people indicate (morning) stiffness with overload complaints of the Achilles tendon.


If necessary, the degree of overload can be mapped with ultrasound. Ultrasound can also be used to determine whether there is an Achilles tendon tear (Achilles tendon rupture). Fysioplein has its own echo system, so you do not have to make an appointment elsewhere.


A ruptured Achilles tendon should be evaluated by a traumatologist to determine the best course of treatment. In principle, there are two treatment options: a period of plaster cast/bracing or surgery (suture of the Achilles tendon). Afterwards it is fysiotherapy is important to regain the mobility of the ankle and to improve the load capacity of the Achilles tendon.

We are ready for you

If you have any questions about your Achilles tendon complaints, please contact us.


Your rehabilitation is specifically aimed at the goals you set yourself. The first phase is about getting the pain and swelling under control and improving the mobility of the Achilles tendon. After that, the load capacity must be improved. Finally, there is sport-specific training. The duration of the rehabilitation strongly depends on the degree of overload and how long the complaints have existed. In the case of a torn Achilles tendon where a period of plaster/bracing has been prescribed or the choice has been made to operate, rehabilitation takes approximately nine months.


During the intake, your Achilles tendon injury will be mapped out on the basis of an interview and a physical examination.

Treatment plan

After the intake, a treatment plan is drawn up and discussed. It tells you what the best treatment is for you.


If you have ankle complaints, you will be treated according to one of our care plans. The care plan has been specially developed for ankle complaints after a sprain and shows good results.

Measuring moments

Tests are taken at fixed times and questionnaires are completed to monitor your rehabilitation. The outcome is evaluated and the treatment plan adjusted if necessary.

Ankle complaints

After the intake, it may be decided to make an ultrasound of your ankle to assess whether there is damage to the ankle ligaments or to the tendons and muscles that control the ankle. Manual therapy and/or taping may also be considered. Exercise therapy is often the obvious treatment strategy.

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Other ankle complaints

Ankle complaints - ankle surgery - 01

Ankle surgery

Want to know more about rehabilitation after ankle surgery? Read more on this page or make an appointment with one of our fysiotherapists.

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Sprained ankle (ankle distortion)

Would you like to know more about rehabilitation after an ankle sprain? Read more on this page or make an appointment with one of our fysiotherapists.

Other complaints?

If your complaint is not listed on our site, please contact us. Based on a conversation and physical examination, assess what may be the matter. Then we can draw up a plan of action with you.

Make an appointment?

You can reach us by phone or email via the telephone number or registration form below. Clearly state the complaint. Then we make an appointment with a specialist fysiotherapist.