
Groin complaints

Fysioplein is the specialist in the region of The Hague, Delft and Rotterdam in the field of rehabilitation for groin complaints.
Want to know more about rehabilitation for groin complaints?

Want to know more about rehabilitation for groin complaints? Read more on this page or make an appointment with one of our fysiotherapists.

Treatment for groin complaints

The duration of treatment for groin complaints strongly depends on the goals you set for yourself and the nature of the complaint. Read more about the rehabilitation on this page.

I would like to make an appointment

Do you have groin complaints and are you interested in our approach? Make an appointment here.

Specific groin complaints

Treatments for groin complaints

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Exercise therapy

During the exercise therapy we look for shortcomings and/or limitations that are present at that moment: mobility, balance, coordination, strength endurance, strength and speed. They differ per individual. You therefore receive exercise therapy that is tailored to your needs.

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Gait analysis and/or shoe advice

During the gait analysis, your old shoes will be assessed. You have to walk up and down in front of the camera a few times to film and analyze your walking pattern. You then walk barefoot in front of the camera several times and, if necessary, in corrected shoes to judge the difference. The gait pattern is then assessed frame by frame to determine whether there is compensation from the feet, knees and/or hip/pelvis and appropriate shoe advice can be given.

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Manual therapy

The aim of manual therapy is on the one hand to improve the functioning of the joints and on the other hand to improve your posture and movements. To this end, the manual therapist uses a number of specific techniques that can be applied in the joints.

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Dry Needling

Dry needling is the insertion of a 'dry' needle (without the addition of medication) into the affected muscle(s). The treatment often results in pain relief and improved mobility of the affected muscles and joints.

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Mulligan concept

The Mulligan concept is a safe and effective way of mobilizing joints. The therapy is pain-free, should give immediate improvement, which improvement should last for a long time.

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Shockwave is a treatment technique in which patients are exposed to powerful 'shock waves', which are precisely directed by means of a treatment head. In this way, these waves have a mechanical effect at the desired location in the body.

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Medical Taping Concept

We regularly tap according to the concept of medical taping to achieve a long-term effect of the treatment.

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Isokinetic strength test

This test is widely used within our rehabilitation programs to assess where you stand in rehabilitation, what the next steps are in recovery and whether you can start with (partial) sports resumption.

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Using ultrasound, we can assess the tendons and muscles that may be involved in the complaint. This ensures that the treatment can be better tailored to the structure that is affected.

Make an appointment?

You can reach us by phone or email via the telephone number or registration form below. Clearly state the complaint. Then we make an appointment with a specialist fysiotherapist.