
Fysioplein is the specialist in the region of The Hague, Delft and Rotterdam in the field of rehabilitation for bursitis complaints around the shoulder joint.
More about bursitis complaints

Would you like to know more about rehabilitation for bursitis complaints? Read more on this page or make an appointment with one of our fysiotherapists.

Treatment of bursitis complaints (bursitis)

The treatment process for bursitis complaints strongly depends on the severity of the bursitis and the degree of stiffness in the shoulder. Read more on this page.

I would like to make an appointment

Do you have bursitis complaints (bursary complaints)? Make an appointment here.

Do you suspect you have bursitis?

A bursitis causes pain around the shoulder, sometimes radiating to and in the arm. Movements are painful and there is often a restriction of movement. The cause of a bursitis can be overload, but also trauma (fall on the shoulder). In addition, a bursitis can develop if the head and socket of the shoulder joint do not move properly in relation to each other (positional fault). This is often preceded by a pain stimulus, as a result of which the shoulder avoids the pain stimulus and moves incorrectly.


Also, your starting position (posture) may not be good. Bursitis is an annoying complaint that can persist for a long time if it is not recognized and treated in time. The bursitis can progress to a frozen shoulder, which can take up to two years to recover.
The most commonly affected bursa (bursa) is located on the outside of the shoulder, under the roof of the shoulder. If there is inflammation of the bursa, it is thickened. This thickening makes movements painful. This is because the bursa is wedged between the head of the shoulder and the roof of the shoulder during movements.


Ultrasound can map the bursa and other structures around the shoulder. An ultrasound shows which structure (muscle, tendon or bursa) is affected. Thus, the treatment plan can be drawn up specifically for the affected structure. Our practice has access to an ultrasound machine. As the fysiotherapist thinks it is necessary to make an ultrasound of the shoulder, we can quickly make an appointment.
A bursitis can be treated well with fysiotherapy, where we sometimes ask the GP to prescribe an anti-inflammatory. If fysioIf therapy is not successful, we can ask the GP to give an injection in the bursa or to refer to an orthopedist for further assessment of the shoulder.

We are ready for you

If you have any questions about your bursitis, please contact us.


Your rehabilitation is specifically aimed at the goals you set yourself. The first phase is about getting the pain under control and improving the mobility of the shoulder. After that, the load-bearing capacity of the shoulder must be improved. Finally, there is sport-specific training.


During the intake, your shoulder problem will be mapped out on the basis of an interview and a physical examination.

Treatment plan

After the intake, a treatment plan is drawn up and discussed. It tells you what the best treatment is for you.


If you have shoulder complaints, you will be treated according to one of our care plans. The care plan has been specially developed for shoulder complaints and shows good results.

Measuring moments

Tests are taken at fixed times and questionnaires are completed to monitor your rehabilitation. The outcome is evaluated and the treatment plan adjusted if necessary.

Treatments for bursitis complaints (bursitis)

After the intake, it can be decided to make an ultrasound of your shoulder to assess whether the bursa is indeed the source of the complaint. Manual therapy and/or taping may also be considered. Information and remedial therapy are often the obvious treatment strategy. In addition, dry needling can be applied if the above treatments give insufficient results or if there are clear trigger points present during research that explain your complaints.

Shoulder complaints - bursitis - 01

Other shoulder complaints

Shoulder complaints - shoulder luxation - 01

Shoulder luxation (dislocated shoulder)

Would you like to know more about rehabilitation after a shoulder dislocation? Read more on this page or make an appointment with one of our fysiotherapists.

Shoulder complaints - shoulder surgery - 01

Shoulder surgery

Want to know more about rehabilitation after shoulder surgery? Read more on this page or make an appointment with one of our fysiotherapists. 


Other complaints?

If your complaint is not listed on our site, please contact us. Based on a conversation and physical examination, assess what may be the matter. Then we can draw up a plan of action with you.

Make an appointment?

You can reach us by phone or email via the telephone number or registration form below. Clearly state the complaint. Then we make an appointment with a specialist fysiotherapist.