Why fysiotherapy must be included in the basic insurance

Fysiotherapy plays an essential role in promoting health and restoring mobility and functionality after injury or illness. Despite this important role fysiotherapy in many countries, including the Netherlands, is not (fully) covered by basic insurance. In this blog we will explain the reasons why fysiotherapy must be included in the basic insurance, so that this valuable form of care is accessible to everyone.

First of all, prevention is very important. Fysiotherapy plays a vital role in preventing serious health problems. By submitting a complaint in time to the fysioBy going to a therapist, potential bigger problems can be detected and treated early. This reduces the chances of long-term conditions and the associated high medical costs. By means of fysioBy including therapy in basic health insurance, people are encouraged to seek preventive care to stay healthy.

The second point is that fysiotherapy promotes recovery and rehabilitation. After surgery, injury or illness fysiotherapy is often necessary for optimal recovery. It helps reduce pain, improve mobility and regain functionality. Failure to compensate fysiotherapy in the basic insurance can lead to a delay in the recovery process. Patients will then be dependent on medical care for longer and may not be able to fully reintegrate into their work or daily activities.

The third point is that when fysiotherapy will be included in the basic insurance and the burden of health care will be relieved. By means of fysioBy making therapy accessible through basic insurance, people can get the care they need in a timely manner. This can reduce the pressure on hospitals and GPs as many conditions, which are caused by the fysiocan be treated by a therapist, do not need to be referred to secondary care. By means of fysioBy including therapy in basic insurance, healthcare can be organized more efficiently and people can receive the right care at the right time.

The last point is about social justice and equal access to care. At the moment it is fysiotherapy is not affordable for everyone. People with lower incomes or chronic conditions often cannot afford to exercise regularly fysioto undergo therapy. This leads to unequal access to care and can lead to greater health inequalities. By means of fysioincluding therapy in the basic insurance policy creates a level playing field in which everyone, regardless of their financial situation, can make use of fysiotherapy.

Dirk-Jan de Jong the owner of Fysioplein has been asked for the Nieuwsuur, on NPO 2, to share his opinion on whether fysiotherapy must be included in the basic insurance.

According to Dirk: “it certainly makes sense that fysiotherapy is included in the basic insurance. This prevents many patients from being referred to secondary care (medical specialists). Fysiotherapy in the basic insurance is useful if it is possible to screen properly for the maximum number of treatments the patient needs. For example, a patient can be classified according to care level, as with Care Topics. As a result, the patient has the right care with lower costs compared to the second line. "

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You can reach us by phone or email via the telephone number or registration form below. Clearly state the complaint. Then we make an appointment with a specialist fysiotherapist.